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Foundation Fitness

"After having a baby and working out on my own for a couple of years, my biggest concern with group training was that I might attempt some things that I wasn’t quite ready for. However, every exercise we do has several levels, each with varying degrees of difficulty and Robbie is always willing to correct my form without making me feel like I’m being criticized. Another somewhat unexpected benefit is that I’ve become more conscientious of my breathing. This has also helped in strengthening my core, which is HUGE for me after having a baby! When I found out Robbie was training in the Dallas area again, I signed up immediately because he pays more attention to form, breathing, and how to get the most out of each exercise than any trainer I’ve ever had! "

DestriSmall Group Training Client

"I have a lot of SI joint and low back pain and I was worried that a new trainer would not have the knowledge to manage this properly. However, I was quickly assured that Robbie’s continuous research and education would allow him to safely and effectively work around and even attack these issues when necessary. Since we started training, I’ve been able to gain AND then maintain overall strength levels, improve my low back pain, and even improve my personal accountability with diet. "

BetsyPrivate Training Client

"The cost of the small group training brings some joy to my checkbook as it is significantly less expensive than private training but the individualization of the program is the same. Since starting back on a normal routine, my mood and strength levels have improved, which certainly helps in my day to day life. Working out with friends brings about a greater sense of accountability while having a knowledgeable coach ensures that I will have a safe, yet effective training session every time!"

SarahSmall Group Training
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Robert Bagby, founder of Foundation Fitness
Robbie Bagby

Owner & Trainer at Foundation Fitness

Robbie has been training since his aunt and uncle took him to the gym before his freshman year of high school. Since that time, he has gone deep into educating himself trying to gain as much experience with different populations as possible. Although his passion is working with everyday athletes trying to move and feel better, his pursuit of education also allowed him to work with competitive athletes from high school through the professional level. Robbie received his Master’s in Sport and Exercise Science in 2016 and has been pursuing personal and professional greatness ever since.

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