How To Be The Best Parent (or Human) You Can Be

April 18, 2019

  It’s been too long.. I got out of the habit of writing each week but now I’m back! This topic has been on my mind a lot recently. I’ve always struggled with the idea that the choices I make may not allow me to move well when I get older. Trying to get really strong has always been my goal. But lately it seems that goal punched me in the gut (or the neck and low back to be


Strength Training (FOR ATHLETES or PARENTS)

March 7, 2019

I would say that strength training is one thing that WILL benefit the lives of anyone, no matter their current age or situation. Obviously there are those that have physical limitations, but I still think there is a place for strength training. Moms and dads can benefit because they will be able to play with their kids and perform their daily duties without being whipped by the end of the day. The older populations can fight the effects of aging


The Ins and Outs of Meal Prepping

February 22, 2019

Planning and prepping meals is probably one of the more important things you should be doing each week. It ranks up there with taking a shower and brushing your teeth. But seriously.. As I’ve said before, “Failing to plan IS planning to fail.” You may have good intentions, but if you don’t have a plan for food going into the week, eventually things will go haywire and you will look for the easiest way out. Which typically means stopping at


Chutes and Ladders: Progress Isn’t Always Linear

February 14, 2019

My wonderful daughter, Lily, has become a fan of board games over the last few months. Although I’ve never been much into games, I too have become a fan of Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders. You kinda have to, right?? I can’t let my daughter down! But one thing I realize about those two games (because those are the only two we currently play) is that success is not linear. Unless you’re name is Lily and you always win..


The Best Ways To Make Your Body Feel Amazing

February 6, 2019

I have a client that trains with one of my small groups. We’ll call her Mary. Like so many of clients that come in to see me, she has several “goals”. She wants to get stronger. She wants to look good for her self-confidence and for her spouse. She wants to be more resilient to deal with the things moms often deal with. She wants to play with her kids and with the grandkids (when they come). Mary also wants


Women Over the Age of 30: Why YOU MUST Strength Train!

January 25, 2019

When it comes to the aging woman, there aren’t many things as important as the exercise you do on a regular basis. Wait.. You are saying you are a woman over the age of 30 and you don’t currently do any type of exercise?? I hope this article can show you why you should be strength training and just what it can mean if you don’t. I’ll also include a quick 20 minute strength training session that you can do


For Men: How To Train After 40

January 17, 2019

First off, I can’t personally vouch for training after 40 because I am not yet to that point in my life. I’m only 33:) But what I can say is that I have worked with several males over the age of 40 and have found some good success with it. The first question to ask is.. Should training over 40 be any different than training prior to 40? Why? Why not? Let’s break it down a little. What are the


The Top 3 Ways To Achieve Your Resolutions

January 4, 2019

It’s a New Year!! It is always so exciting for a lot of us. We are past the not so healthy foods of the holidays. We have a chance to look back and reflect on the things we did or didn’t do last year. Did we meet our goals? Were we even close to meeting them? Or did we give up altogether? With each new year, there comes a litany of diets, exercise promotions, supplement sales, as well as coverage


Which Supplements Are The Best For Fat Loss?

December 22, 2018

The supplement industry is huge. Like HUGE. We are talking over $200 billion huge. But the question is.. WHY? Does every single person that uses supplements see the benefits that these products supposedly offer? Or are the false promises of these companies just that tempting? Now don’t get me wrong, I use several supplements daily to help me meet my goals. But I have learned from past experience as well as from my educational background that most of the supplement


Why Do You Choose To Do What You Do?

December 12, 2018

This is the most important question you can ask yourself when it comes to why you do something? Are you forced to do it? Does your life depend on it? Do you enjoy doing it? You could use these questions for almost anything we do in our day to day lives. But the focus should be on the first word of this blog’s title: WHY. Have you ever read the book, Start With Why by Simon Sinek? If you don’t